Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Did Some Soul Searching--Found MI Mitten

Wherever I have traveled across the United States and overseas, when someone asks where I am from I am able to hold up my right hand and point to it with my left. It's a Michigan thing. You probably wouldn't get it unless you are from there.

On the news all we hear about Michigan is what happened during the recession and how dangerous Detroit is. What they don't talk about is just what it was like before all that, when it was the arsenal of democracy and a leader in education, or all the wonderful people that make it a truly special place. But for now I am in Washington, looking forward to a day when I can take a one way flight back to Michigan.

The anticipation is mounting for Julie to join me here in Washington. We're excited to FINALLY live together, after what will be more than 18 months of a trans-continental marriage. Some of the things we look forward to the most are microwaving leftovers, arguing over the other person stealing the duvet in the middle of the night, or walking a soon to be picked out puppy. All the things a normal couple gets to do and take for granted will be a new and exciting thing for us. Yes, stale leftovers and fighting for covers will be a true blessing after 600+ days apart.

The last couple months have been a time of deep reflection and soul searching for me. I love my job. I really enjoy the Army life and specifically the Infantry. I have the opportunity to be part of the 1% of the country that volunteered for military service during a time of war. It is a physically demanding job, but a challenge that I have met. I know the quality of my work in Afghanistan exceeded my personal expectations, and I hope I met the standards of my leadership along the way. I served my country with honor, and it was everything I hoped it would be.

My window for reenlistment has opened. After consulting with friends and family, I have finally come to a conclusion about what the future holds for me. I have prayed over this decision and I am confident that it is the right move for Julie and I.


Until next time...


1 comment:

  1. I am so honored to know both you and Julie.
    I cannot wait to have you two back in Michigan and finally together!
