Monday, January 21, 2013

Preserving, Protecting, and Defending The Perfect Democracy

The United States is not perfect. We as a people have many flaws including our failure to remember and call upon our long lost humble roots as a cradle of democracy. Though our nation and our leadership are flawed, the system of government that we have I might argue, is perfect.

America did not invent democracy. We can thank Greece for that one. However we did perfect it. There are very few countries in the world that can claim nearly 240 years of peaceful representative government. Since 1776 we have been a government of, by, and for the people. Today President Obama will be inaugurated for his second term a the chief executive of the United States. He is not a king like in some countries. He is not a dictator like in others. He is but a private citizen, serving in a public office.

In 1776 the United States became a new nation, independent from British rule. Our government operated under a couple different forms of government, until a national assembly in 1787 that devised a new constitution. Within this constitution was the framework for a 3 branch form of government--Legislative branch to write the laws, judicial branch to enforce the laws, and the executive branch executes the laws.

Federal Hall in New York City, site of Washington's first inauguration in 1789.

On April 30 1789 George Washington became the first President of the United States under this new form of government (not the first ever President of the United States--a lecture I've given too many times to count). The fact that George Washington was the president is not what proved this system so wonderful. The truly great part of the American democratic story is that since George Washington, every president has willingly surrendered his power and the end of his elected term in office. It is a line of succession unbroken for nearly 240 years.

Barrack Obama's 2009 Inauguration as the 44th President of the United States.

While some may see the events of the 57th Inaugural today, as a celebration of Barrack Obama, I do not see it this way. I see it as a celebration of our perfect democracy. It is a celebration of the wonderful tradition of a peaceful democratic process. The events are steeped in tradition and pageantry  and it is important to show the world just how wonderful our American system is. It is something we should all take pride in, regardless of who we voted for last November. Regardless of the ugly political battles that regularly play out on Capitol Hill, today's celebration should remind us just how lucky we are to live in the land of the free--the home of the brave.

Until next time...


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