Saturday, September 22, 2012

Thoughts on Forrest Gump and High School Reunions

I was watching Forrest Gump last night. I've probably seen the movie a hundred times. It's one of those movies that you have to watch again no matter how many times you've seen it before.

During this particular viewing I took something from it in a very different way.

There is a segment near the beginning of the movie where Forrest is sitting on the bench and says "You can tell a lot about a person by the shoes they're wearing...where they're going,  where they've been."

I've thought about this line in the past. But last night it struck me a little different. I glanced down at my feet and recognized that I was wearing combat boots. On this particular set of boots there is a blood stain from a tragic event a couple months back.

It's an interesting world we live in...a world where a line out of a movie can flood our minds with all sorts of memories (good and bad). Today my friends from the Lansing Catholic High School's class of 2002 will gather in celebration of our 10 year class reunion in Lansing. I of course am unable to attend, as are some others. But I cant help but wonder what some other people's shoes will look like. Where they're headed, and where they've been.

I'm sure there will be fine leather dress shoes. Maybe there will be some work boots and sneakers too. We've all come a long way in 10 years and we've all worn many different types of shoes. In 10 years I've worn all kinds of my mind is curious what those shoes will look like 10 years from now.

Until next time...


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